CCM Newly Published China Market Report of Seed Survey

Publish time: 22nd December, 2010      Source: CCM
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      CCM releases its first in-depth market report in April 2010, Seed survey in China.


      China is one of the largest agricultural countries in the world, and the increasing focus has been put on the issues of food safety and sufficient food supply. Growth in crop yield and agricultural productivity over the past few years partly depended on high quality seeds. This report begins with a brief introduction to the background of China's seed industry, its position and market share in the world, and related government policies. Analysis has been done on the market situation of 8 kinds of main crop seeds (corn, wheat, rice, cotton, soybean, rapeseed, vegetable and flower).




      The development of China's seed industry is remarkable during recent years. Seed market value was over $8 billion in 2009, up 12.43% over 2008, with CAGR of 16.16% during 2001~2009. Although seed market scale ranks second in the world, commercialization in China is poor compared with some developed countries. Hopefully seed industry in China, with support from the central government, will maintain rapid growth to come in the years.




      Analyses show that hybrid seeds are widely applied in both corn and rice market. In 2009, market value of corn seed hit over $1.4 billion, up 9.43% over 2008. While hybrid corn seeds are facing oversupply in recent years, hybrid rice seeds are competitive in the world, receiving great demand from domestic and oversea markets. It is predicted that market value of wheat seed will be stable in the following five years, thanks to no significant change in crop planting structure and low wheat seed prices. The report reveals that in 2009, vegetable seed accounts for 57.72% of total seed trade value, and the total seed trade value reaches $254.44 million, up 10.68% over the previous year.


      Based on the related import and export data, CCM makes a prospect in China's seed industry with opportunity and risk analysis. For better evaluation about the market information, this report also presents SWOT and brand analysis of some Chinese seed companies.




      The market report mainly focuses on the following points:


      -Supply and demand characteristics and the influencing factors of crop seeds in China


      -Information on main crop seeds in China (market share / volume/value and key companies/institutes)


      -Import and export situation


      -SWOT and brand analysis of seed companies


      -Industry prospect


      -Risk assessment and business opportunities




      Related publications by CCM


      Seed China News (available in Q1 2011)


      Seed Treatment Survey in China





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